Find the answers to all frequently asked questions
If your question remains unanswered, please don't hesitate to email us. Our dedicated team is on standby, committed to supporting you and strengthening our business collaboration.
We help you enhance your content with strong campaign content and/or tools and remunerate you based on performance. We also improve the user experience and build user trust by using well-known brands in the advertising material and creating visual highlights through the design.
How can I start with ad4mat?
Please fill out the contact form completely. We will contact you immediately to start your campaign as soon as possible.
Can I start with just a single website?
If you have a network of websites, please contact our account team by email at or by phone. Together we will set up an uncomplicated set-up and immediately provide the necessary advertising material for the network.
Who implements the code?
Our team will send you your custom code with detailed step-by-step instructions. If you need further help, you can send an email to
Where is the best placement for the advertising material?
The advertising material should ideally be integrated in the immediate environment of your content. We offer different format sizes that can be used anywhere on the website. Our account managers will be happy to help you find the right format and optimally design the integration.
I have integrated the advertising material, but it is not displayed. Why?
Sometimes it can take up to an hour before the ad is displayed. If you need further assistance, please email us at
When will my campaign start?
After your website has been approved as a publisher in an affiliate network for our partner programme, the installation of the advertising material can take place. As soon as the ad is live on your website, the cooperation and performance starts.
Can I control what content is played in the ad?
Yes, you can select in advance sensitive categories that should not appear on your website. Corresponding content is then loaded onto a “blacklist”. You also have the option of using a “whitelist” to select exactly those categories that should be displayed.
How do I generate many sales?
There are a few factors to consider for a good performance of the ad: your CTR, the volume of the website, the campaign duration, your targeting settings as well as the competition within our network.
How can I optimise my advertising media integration?
Our team checks the performance of your advertising media daily. Once enough information about the campaign has been collected, our team will automatically contact you if there is potential for optimisation. We can advise you on adding new placements, improving visibility, integrating other widgets, etc.
Does the advertising medium affect the loading time of my website?
Our ads are loaded asynchronously, which means that they have no negative effect on the loading time of your page.
How am I compensated?
You receive up to 70% of our negotiated affiliate commissions and benefit from premium commissions. The payment is made via us, at the latest on the 10th of the month.
Increase your advertising revenues
Become an ad4mat publisher and get access to our smart advertising products. We have the advertising medium that suits your channel and target audience best.